Our first meeting in March 2025 saw me put on a wild west game to the excellent, if out of print, "Legends of the Old West" rules. (readily available as a free PDF on the Net though) The scenario was based on the 1960 film, "The Magnificent Seven", with Yul Brunner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, James Coburn & Horst Buchholz, facing off against Eli Wallach and his Mexican bandits.
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Out of print, "Legends of the Old West" rules. |
The scene started with Calvera and his thirty odd bandits returning to a Mexican village that they intended to pillage for food and supplies, before going into the hills for winter. This was what they had been doing for years and they left the villagers enough to live on, so they had the strength to plant and reap next year's crop. Except this year was different. The villagers had sold everything of value they had, to raise money to employ seven gunfighters to protect the village.
Calvera and company had ridden into the village square, only to be confronted by the seven gunfighters. Calvera was confident, as he had the numbers to ignore these few and then firing started. With seven or eight of his men being killed in the rout, Calvera raced back up the road.
It was at this point our scenario started.
The "Magnificent Seven" were, what the rules call "Legends", with the exception of Chico, who was
just a minor "Hero". All had six guns and four also had "repeating carbines". The "Legends" had special abilities and traits suited to the characters portrayed in the film. For instance, Lee had "Fearsome Reputation", which meant anyone trying to shoot or melee him had to pass a Pluck test first or freeze in fear. He also had a Pluck of 2, as his bottle had gone and he was often a quivering wreck ! Three of the "Legends" formed one group in the East of the village, with the other group being on the Western side. Chico led a third group of machete armed villagers, who were split between East and West.
Calvera's bandits were thirty strong and split into three groups of nine, each led by a minor or, in the case of Calvera, a major "Hero". To make life easier for bookkeeping, all the bandits were "Festooned with Pistols", which meant they never suffered an "out of ammo" or 'jammed" result for their handguns; they simply drew another pistol. A number of bandits also had "cavalry carbines" and Calvera had a "repeating carbine".
The bandits noted the new walls all round them, so chose to ride across the stream and regroup. Taking his own and one other band round the village to the West, Calvera sent the other bandit group round the Eastern edge of town. Reacting to these moves, the Eastern group of gunfighters, led by Chris and played by Nathan, engaged Sam's bandits as they crested a rise, dropping one with a long range shot.
In the West, Chico crouched on a roof, firing at Mike's bandit group, whilst Bob led his men straight into the village.
Sam had decided the ground was for plebs and led his men across the roofs of the buildings. Crossing a gap between buildings, one bandit failed his leap roll and hit the ground badly, dying in the process. Meanwhile the rest of Sam's group took cover in some rocky terrain, whilst Nathan moved his group and some villagers to meet them. Nathan's group came under fire from Bob's bandits and took up position behind a wall, to return fire.
Meanwhile, in the West, Mike's bandits dismounted behind a sturdy building, as Matt moved up his villagers. Some villagers were cut down by fire from the bandits, but then a hand to hand struggle ensued, as Chico and more bandits exchanged fire. Soon Chico was aided by fire from Britt and Vin and bandits started to fall to both fire and machetes. The villagers were starting to wilt though and were forced back. Chico rushed downstairs to block two bandits entering the house, as a throwing knife from Britt felled one.
In the East the villagers had rushed one of Sam's bandits, Sam decided a bandit on the roof could even things up and fanned his six-gun at the villagers. Now fanning is not accurate and leaves the pistol empty (not an issue when "festooned with pistols"), but fanning a six-gun into a close quarters fight risks friend and foe. Sure enough a villager was dropped, quickly followed by a bandit. Oops ! Not down heartened, Sam persisted with fanning throughout the game, whenever he was in range, earning himself the nickname "Sam the Fan". When Chris joined the party another bandit found himself filled full of lead. With Bob also shooting across the table and killing Bernardo, the first Legend was down.
Things were hotting-up in the East, with bandits forcing Chico back into the house. As others held off Britt. Chico was driven back to the roof and coolly invited the bandits up to fight him there. Britt threw a knife at one of the bandits who was shooting at him and he dropped to the ground.
More bandits and heroes fell and the remaining villagers gave up the ghost and fled.
The battle was nearing a climax, as Chico battled on against the bandits on the roof, whilst Britt and Vin shot it out with Bob's intact gang.
In the East Lee was killed and Chris wounded, but Sam was down to his last bandit !
After several more rounds of fighting and multiple "Head for the Hills" tests on both sides, Calvera and his men could take no more and ran.
The game gave a full day's play and some great cinematic moments. I didn't like Chico's character in the film, but in the game he was "de man" ! The less said about Chris the better really.
Many thanks to Bob, Sam, Mike B, Nathan and Matt for taking it all in the spirit which it was intended. Especially Bob, as he couldn't hit a barn door with a shovel for most of the game.