Friday 14 July 2023

A Typical Day at the Devon Wargames Group

Well we are well and truly into summer and you would think things would be a bit quieter at club, with folks away on holiday or out with friends and family enjoying the balmy summer weather of God's own country Devon, oh and there is a reason why our county name rhymes with 'Heaven'!

However not a bit of it, the club has been growing leaps and bounds in recent months and it is not unusual for us to be hosting four or five games at a meeting, with anywhere between twenty and thirty happy wargamers indulging themselves doing one of the most fun things you can do with your clothes on - wargaming of course, and this month was no different with the club hosting five games and the room full of contented babble and banter as everyone got down to having fun.

As your regular editor on the blog, I am however busy with lots of projects, one of which sees me traveling up to Cardiff this weekend with friends from the DWG to meet with friends from the Penarth and District Wargames Society to host a two day marathon game recreating the Battle of Trafalgar using Kiss Me Hardy, which I will be reporting on JJ's Wargames later this month.

So I thought as a change from our usual once a week after action report and to cover for me while I'm away I thought I would post a short video capturing the feel and atmosphere of a typical day at club these days, with a look at the games run last weekend, Saturday 8th July 2023, at which the following games were run.

O-Group in 15mm hosted by Steve L.

Frostgrave, 28mm Fantasy, hosted by Mike R.

Cold War Battles, Arctic Confrontation hosted by Tom

Sharp Practice II in Old Mexico hosted by Colin

Lion Rampant II in the Crusades, hosted by Mike C.

As you can see we enjoy a varied diet of eras and genres at the club as well as good social atmosphere where friends are made and bonds cemented over a beer or two after the dice have been put away and the following short video clip will I hope capture some of that spirit together with some more pictures of the games and collections we had on show.

I hope you enjoy this little cameo of our day and I look forward to sharing some more AAR's on my return from Cape Trafalgar via Cardiff.

More anon


  1. Very nice JJ. Photos look great.

  2. Nice one JJ you've captured the buzzing enthusiasm of the day beautifully. So glad I was wearing one of my smart tee shirts.
