Saturday 8 July 2023


Despite an inevitable bit of ribbing from JJ, we defied tradition and played Frostgrave, the first game in a short campaign designed to try and teach the rules to new players. My hope is to infuse the notion of magic throughout the club, so that JJ has to adapt his rules to play 'Kiss me Elfy' or 'Orc's practice' someday.

The Warbands began on opposing corners of the silent village, with three skellibobs on the table from turn one to stop complacency. One Wizard was an Elementalist, the other a Chronomancer.

With a cautious start from the Elementalists - using the houses as cover - they split into smaller groups and began trying to break doors down in search of treasure. One group, led by the apprentice, were notably feeble and took a good number of turns to even get through the door (fair play to Mark for his persistence there).

What they found was a good number of armoured skeletons which, despite their numbers were easily despatched over and over again. This served to delay the progress of the Elementalists who only went to houses further afield later in the game.

Meanwhile, the Chronomancers sent their Barbarian to knock down the nearest door. Alas, the oak in this part of the world must be infused with stone, as it took him an embarrassingly long time to get in to, despite his burgeoning musculature. 

Unfortunately for the Barbarian, it was a ghoul that he found first, having 10 health to the skeleton's 1. Nonetheless some cool dice rolling despatched it and secured the treasure in short order.

Towards the centre of the table the Chronomancer wizard was leading a small band of undesirable types from door to door, securing two more treasures in fairly short order. Tactical use of two bow-equipped soldiers allowed several shots onto the Elementalists, but a series of natural 20's kept them from piercing. Indeed, the tables turned as the Elementalist wizard cast mind control onto the Chronomancer's ranger, using their own soldier against them for several turns.

1 comment:

  1. Shame !
    Actually it was a nice set up.
    I think JJ is lying down in a darkened room.
