Friday 6 October 2017

Battle of Wijnendale 1708 - Postscript

The hobby of historical wargaming is very much based on an interest in the history that underpins the games we play, and occasionally the history and the hobby come together in really interesting ways.

Such an occasion happened in the last few weeks when Erwin Louagie got in touch with the blog after reading the post on our game recreating the Battle of Wijnendale in 1708.

His comments about the battle and being from Wijnendale were very interesting and can be followed on the post covering our game back in February. In addition he offered to show some pictures of items he has found whilst exploring the area.

The period horseshoe is immediately obvious but I'm not sure what the other items might be, with possibly the mangled item top right of the picture above being the back of a regimental button and as to the other ring like object might be a brass fitting on a pistol or edged weapon.

If you think you know what Erwin has discovered then drop a comment.

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