Saturday 11 March 2023

Maximus comes a Cropper on the Limes Germanicus - Infamy, Infamy!

Bob gives his Romans and Germans a run out with this little set-to on the Limes Germanicus using 'Infamy, Infamy!' from the Too Fat Lardies.

Odious Maximus, a Centurion of some experience currently stationed on the northern borders has been sent to deal with Misanthropix, a minor Germanic Tribal Chief who had crossed the border and was laying waste to all and sundry. Odious is accompanied by Nepotismus, a newly arrived Tribune (absolutely useless, he must have friends in high places).

It is believed that Misanthropix is accompanied by his two brothers, Acerbix and Histrionix.

The Romans arrived on the battlefield from the Northwest, and the Germans from the Southeast, the Romans consolidating on the high ground.

whilst the Germans stand off and whip up fervour.

The Germans threw out skirmishers on the right flank and into the wood in the centre, forcing the Romans to move forward in an effort to close to javelin range, whilst the Auxilia archers remained on the hill. Using both the archers and the Auxilia on the Roman left flank, they forced the German slingers back out of range. Meanwhile, the other units of Auxilia attempted an outflanking manoeuvre on their right;

while the Legionaries took up a position in the Roman centre.

Fortunately for Misanthropix, his brother Histrionix chose this moment to arrive, and moved swiftly to the German left, facing the Roman outflanking attempt.

With his flank now safe, and his men overflowing with fervour, Misanthropix began to move his three Mobs forward.

For some reason Odious Maximus decided to advance, not only beyond the wood which was protecting the right flank of his Legionaries, but continued forward until the German cavalry were behind his flank; an opportunity Histrionix was unable to resist.

The Legionaries were thrown into disarray by the flank attack, and the German infantry were then able to hit them whilst they were still disorganised, leading to the inevitable result.

With a number of Roman units either broken or in retreat, and another, as yet unbloodied, German Mob waiting to strike, the Roman players conceded defeat.

Many thanks to Mr Steve, Paul, and Tom for an excellent game.

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