Sunday, 28 February 2016
Zulus - Fouzands of em!!
This year's summer game will be a Zulu War themed affair and, as usual, the club is busy sorting out the scenario play tests together with finding a suitable rule set to cater for a large multi player game.
So this month whilst one table was busy fighting an IABSM scenario at Arnhem, the other was the scene for a massacre of a British column caught whilst crossing a Zulu-land drift.
I grabbed some pictures during the action which reveal the position and the last moments of the doomed British column.
From the comments I noted at the end, this play test revealed some issues which will require some more thoughts before we are ready to go in June.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Baskeyfield VC - I Ain't Been Shot Mum
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Lance Sergeant J D Baskeyfield VC by Terance Cuneo |
It shows Baskeyfield about to fire his last round at the SPG coming down Acacialaan and just before he was killed by the SPG further up the road. On the road lies a Para shot while attempting to join him. Baskeyfield's original 6lbr gun, across the road, has been swung round before it was disabled.
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Lance Sergeant John "Jack" Baskeyfield VC |
The Arnhem campaign stands in the annals of British military history as one of those great triumphs amidst great tragedy in what became a campaign known for being a "bridge too far" in General Montgomery's failed attempt to end the war in Europe in the autumn of 1944.
Out of the ashes of defeat grew the story of triumphant resistance under terrible conditions by the men of the British 1st Airborne Division and the Dutch civilians who so unselfishly offered their help and support and bore the brunt of reprisals after the battle.
I have a personal memory of my father, an armoured OP with Guards Armoured Division describing his experiences of the desperate fighting conducted to reach the beleaguered British airborne soldiers on many a holiday to Belgium and Holland in the mid-late seventies.
No better example of selfless bravery in the face of the enemy and the reason why the British Airborne "Red Devils" established themselves firmly as an elite fighting formation can be found than by the individual act of heroism displayed by Lance Sergeant Jack Baskeyfield VC on Wednesday 20th September 1944 on an insignificant road junction just south of Oosterbeek close to the Lower Rhine river.
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British positions in the Oosterbeek perimeter as they were on Wednesday 20th September 1944 and
Lance Sergeant Jack Baskeyfield's position on the day.(Blown railway bridge bottom right of map)
By the 20th of September and after two days of heavy combat, General Urquart and his 1st British Airborne Division was a mere shadow of its former self and there had been little option other than to pull the remains of the division into a defensive perimeter at Oosterbeek and thus guarding a potential bridgehead on the Rhine river.
On September the 19th the men of 1st, 3rd and 11th Parachute Battalions and the 2nd South Staffords retreated back along the southern route from Arnhem into Oosterbeek with German armour cautiously following them in pursuit.
Just short of Oosterbeek they were met by Lieutenant-Colonel "Sheriff" Thompson, commander of the Light Regiment, whose guns were in position only a short distance behind. He ordered them to form a defensive line facing east. It was in this position that Lance Sergeant John Baskeyfield, an anti-tank gun commander in the 2nd South Staffords fought the action that won him a posthumous Victoria Cross.
The game played yesterday is based on the scenario by Richard Clarke from Too Fat Lardies and published in the Lardies Xmas Special of 2007 and was played using I Ain't Been Shot Mum version three (IABSM 3).
Young Charle commanded the British airborne troops, watches closely as the Germans start to deploy on their end of the Benedendorpsweg |
The following are the British and German briefings take from the Lardies Xmas Special 2007, with my commander stats. amendments for IABSM3.
British Briefing
Major Buchanan has informed you that you can expect Jerry to put in an attack down this road.
If they manage to push you out of this position its likely that the whole of the Oosterbeck position will be encircled and no escape possible. You certainly don’t fancy spending the rest of the war in a POW camp, so you reckon that seeing it through here, whatever the outcome, is the best bet.
Some boys from 11 Para are in the houses around you, but they look to be a shaky lot, mind you, they've been fighting for three days solid so they’re probably just exhausted. If they can keep the enemy "pongos" off your back you’ll deal with any Jerry armour that comes along.
Hopefully you’ll stick it out.
IABSM3 Forces
South Staffordshires
Lance Sergeant Jack Baskeyfield, Level II Commander
Two six pounder anti-tank guns, four crew each.
11 Para
Corporal Bill Stickers Level II Commander
Three sections of eight men
One PIAT with two crew.
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View towards Baskeyfield's position on the Acacialaan junction from behind the StuG seen in the picture above |
German Briefing
It has been a tough few days, the Red Devils fight like…Devils! Now, however the end is in sight. In Arnhem the positions by the bridge are being reduced, and to the West at Oosterbeck the enemy is close to surrender.
Our orders are to attack down the Benedendorpsweg. If we control that road we will remove the Englanders’ only secure flank and have them surrounded. Then, at last, we can get some rest!
Do not flinch, push home your attack with energy and vigour and the enemy will collapse as a pack of cards.
IABSM3 Forces
Erzatz Infantry Company
Sturmscharfuhrer Artur Spengler Level III Commander
Unterscharfuhrer Rolf Wolozowski Level II Commander
1st Platoon
Three rifle squads, 8 men each
2nd Platoon
Three rifle squads, 8 men each
Mortar Section
Two 80mm mortars, one FOO may be on table
Assault Battery
Scharfuhrer Alois Schatz, Level III Commander
Three StuG III, Grade III morale
The British win if they keep the road junction in their hands, the Germans win if they capture the junction. As in reality both sides have the assets that are available, time is not an issue.
That said, if the Germans loose all three StuGs while the British still have at least one 6 pounder in action then they may call for additional support. Add a reinforcements card.
Roll each turn, requiring a 6.
Note: I had on hand a StuH42 and an SdKfz10/4 20mm half-track in the German reserve should the reinforcements have been needed.
With the British positions marked on a copy of the map above, the card deck was assembled (note IABSM is a card driven rule set with individual platoons, commanders and other assets able to activate and perform actions such as moving, spotting and shooting on the turning of their respective cards) and with initially more German cards in it, the first German units were activated and on the table.
These first moves were not without problems as the German card deck included "Hesitant Troops" which meant the next German unit card drawn would be subject to hesitant status and forced to remain in situ either spotting or firing according to what was possible.
SS Ersatz Kompanie Spengler moves out into the polder land |
Sturmgeshutze-Brigade 280 lead the "hesitant" SS trainee soldiers forward |
As the German armour drew level with the house on the centre line of our table, now burning fiercely from a severe "brassing up" by the StuG's, they started to bring their main guns to play on the forward houses at the road junction, suspecting their occupation by British Paras.
The SS men were naturally cautious and took time to "brass up" likely enemy positions on their approach. Note the mortar FOO on the road searching out likely enemy positions. |
An SS Infantry Zug advances across open ground devoid of much cover |
As the StuG's open fire on the first line of buildings they themselves come under punishing AT fire from the front right |
This meant that each time a vehicle was hit the British commander would roll seven d6 needing 5 or 6 for a successful strike. Likewise the German commander would defend against those hits with seven dice of his own needing a similar score to cancel out successful British hits.
If the defence scored more that the attack then no effect was caused, however equal or more successful hits had consequences for the target vehicle with more hits causing worse likely consequences.
Lance Sergeant Baskeyfield directs the fire of one of his 6lbr gun with telling effect |
The StuGs feel the effect of the 6lbr with the one in the centre knocked out, the one on the left immobilised and shocked and the the right most vehicle with a damaged main gun. |
The view from Baskeyfield's tree |
They were desperately waiting for the opportunity to activate both the infantry and StuG platoons and were calling for mortar support.
Suddenly the StuG card appeared and their commander Scharfuhrer Alois Schatz, who was able to survive the destruction of his vehicle, losing one of his crew, managed to de-bus to the one vehicle with a main gun operating. The two remaining StuGs then poured on a stream of vehicle machine gun fire that supported by the fire from the German infantry moving through them soon knocked out the crew of the 6lbr leaving Baskeyfield as the sole survivor.
SS Sturmscharfuhrer Artur Spengler was urging his other platoon forward looking to flank the the road junction and turn any British position in the houses and gardens. As he men drew into effective small arms range, the first German 81mm mortar shells landed in the line of houses to their front.
11th Para infantry are forced to move from building to building as their position comes under intense mortar and StuG high explosive fire, setting the houses alight |
The SS infantry are still coming under heavy small arms fire as they close on the British position, three dead, three shocks - ouch! |
The Germans needed no further invitation as the SS infantry opposite Baskeyfield's position used their card to close in on and shoot up the British gun position killing our hero in the process.
A combination of StuG and mortar fire took out one of the Para sections and badly damaged a second adding multiple shocks, whilst the second British AT gun was overwhelmed by a close assault from Spengler's platoon, forcing the surviving Paras to surrender their hold on the junction and fall back to the perimeter.
The final moments as the survivors of 11th Para are forced back from the road junction to join their comrades further back on the perimeter |
Of course the unpredictability of the cards would cause this very same set up to potentially play quite differently, not to mention the combat outcomes we generated.
A great day of wargaming was had and thanks to Charlie, Steve, Ian and Jack for providing the entertainment and I hope this game in a small way pays a very sincere tribute to a very brave soldier whose final resting place is unknown but whose memory is not forgotten.
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Statue to John Baskeyfield unveiled in his home town of Stoke on Trent in 1990 |
Sources referred to in this post:
Lardies Xmas Special 2007
Operation Market-Garden Then and Now Volume 2
Operation Market-Garden Then and Now Volume 2
Devon Wargames Group,
I Aint Been Shot Mum V3,
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