Saturday, 8 February 2025

Peaky Blinders, 'You'll never take me alive Copper!' - 'What a Gangster' or perhaps that should be 'What a Blinder'.

Editors Note: One of the games at this month's club meetings was a reworking of What a Cowboy to include gagsters from the 1920's, the rules for which appeared in the Lard Magazine 2023 and have been reworked here, by our Gamemeister Chas, to run this Peaky Blinders game based on the very successful TV series.

Over to Vince who posted the following AAR of the game.

Just a note to thank Chas for running a most entertaining episode of "Peaky Blinders". With the Mafia, IRA and corrupt cops to contend with, the Peakys had their work cut out. That couldn't be helped with a Chinese lorry full of drugs broken down and just asking to be "helped out", though. 

Arriving by canal boat (why couldn't we have a shiny car like everyone else ?), the Peakys headed to take on the Eyeties. Well all except Arthur, who feeling the effects of the drugs, was staggering round the dock.

Tommy led the way letting his Tommy gun do the talking and wounding some Mafia hoods. At this point Inspector Gadget tried to shoot him in the back, but Tommy reacted like a lead character, spun round and shot him dead. 

With the Police blowing their whistles and screaming "Here, we want a word with you !", some unpleasantness unfolded with half the Mafia gang. Outnumbered, Tommy died like the main character he was, only to be revenged by Arthur. Who needs a clear head when you have a Lewis gun?

Meanwhile the IRA kept jogging round the cinema in the Brummie fog. Eventually they decided to pick on poor Polly, a defenceless lady (OK, her gun might have gone off by accident) and cut her down.

With the Police and Arthur shooting it out, the IRA boys calmly grabbed the drugs and made for the exit. Their top boy was nearly away. Enter a drugged up nutter with a Lewis gun. He had a clear shot, all he needed was a clear head. The drug dice rolled and "Big Arthur" showed up for the only time in the game. Three long bursts of .303 can really ruin a Paddy's day and he dropped to the pavement.

With a local Peaky/Rozzer truce in force, a new Paddy went for the drugs. One of the Force's finest let him have a Lee Enfield bullet in the back. 

The Police grabbed the drugs, but with the Peakys having killed their Vendetta target, Inspector Gadget, and adding all the kills and subtracting the casualties, it finished at 1 point each for the Police and Peakys.

Arthur disappeared into the fog, like the spaced out anti-hero he was. There was a wild party at the Police station that night.

Many thanks to Chas for running a great bash (ex-Clotted Lard), with beautiful bespoke terrain. All played in a friendly fashion (as friendly as you can be when trying to murder each other) by Bob, Andy C and Chas.

All I can say is, "We was robbed !" Bloody coppers.



  1. Great idea to use What a Cowboy for gangster action. Looks like the game was a lot of fun! Great table, too...

  2. Mike, Thanks for your comments. The "What a Gangster" amendments in the 2023 Lard magazine work really well with the main "What a Cowboy" rules. Add in some "Peaky Blinder" character flavour and we had a really playable game. The Arthur on the drugs rule was a real pain to play, but when he came good he was unstoppable!
