A detachment of Conquistadors have been sent off by Cortes to take the treasure that has been amassed at an Aztec Temple. After camping outside the town they woke to find that all their allies had deserted them. What was worse they were surrounded on three sides.
Needless to say the Conquistadors where not phased by this and advanced towards the temple. Out in front was the Conquistador cavalry with a leader attached. This unit attracted missile fire from the Aztec skirmishers.
This horrified the Conquistadors who lost two figures. Their response was to advance the missile troops with melee infantry in support. The then leader spent the rest of the game behind the infantry giving moral support.
Fired up by the early success the Aztecs flanking troops rushed forwards. Inspired by promises of support by the central commander based on the temple.
This did not go well. On the Conquistadors right flank the Arquebusier and a crossbow unit did great damage. Then two units were wiped out by elite units when they failed to counter charge.
The Aztec command for this force pulled back into the town.
On the left flank things went better for the Aztecs, as they only had to put up with one crossbow unit. However the outcome ended up the same when the Aztec leader on this flank was wiped out.
Where was the Aztec central force? Well in typical Lion Rampant tradition they kept failing command tests. This is partly due to the umpire not allowing the leader's unit to leave the temple, so missing out on the re-roll.
Now the battle moved into its final phase. What was left of the flanking forces together with the centre surged forwards. Directing the main thrust on Conquistadors left flank. The effect was to drive the Conquistadors back and killing a Conquistador leader (more treasure for the other leader). But at a heavy cost to the Aztecs as they were now a spent force.
The remaining Conquistadors had re-aligned and were ready to attack. The Aztec Leaders thought perhaps it was time to let them have the temple!
After the game we discussed how well it played. We all agreed the new edition of the rules worked well. In addition we all commented that next time we would use different tactics.
Should the Conquistadors be worried?
Lastly thanks to Vince, John, Mike B and Mike C for playing a fun game.
Technical Stuff
The forces used were 180 Aztecs, using plastic Wargames Atlantic figures and 80 Conquistadors from various manufactures but mostly Assault Group.
The rules were Lion Rampant 2nd edition (which arrived a week before the game). In addition some ideas from Pikeman's Lament, arquebusier and gun. The ideas for how to represent the Aztecs were influenced by the following;
![]() |
by David Sullivan. |
The WAB Forum and extensive reading on their tactics (lots of missile fire and ferocious charge).
The Roster used for the game
Commanders:- All commanders re-roll first activation test if within 12”. In addition classed as Patient, one unit within 12” may ignore Wild Charge activation.
Special Rules:-
Flexible - Use normal attack/defence in rough terrain.
Wild Charge - If within attack distance must test to activate as attack.
Counter Charge Infantry - If enemy successfully charge will counter charge on 7+.
Fast - Movement not halved in Rough Terrain
Captured Enemy - If opponent in melee retire throw d6 if number equal or less than casualties inflected. An enemy casualty has been taken as captive. This will give +1 to unit courage and is cumulative.
Special Rules:-
Skirmish - Activated on 7+, may make ½ move, shoot before or after move, hit on 6.
Evade - When enemy successfully charge may react on 7+ can Skirmish.
Fast - Speed not halved in rough terrain.
Hard to Hit - Count as armour 2 against shooting.
Commanders:- All commanders re-roll first activation test if within 12”. Both leaders are courageous, so can re-roll Courage test.
Special Rules:-
Counter Charge - If enemy successfully charge, throw 7+ can counter charge, will meet half way.
Fearsome - If inflected casualty from attack, target applies extra -1 to courage test.
Bloodthirsty - Any Attack dice of 6 counts as two hits (not not defence or shooting).
Special Rules:-
Flexible - This unit uses normal Attack/Defence profile when fighting in terrain.
Bloodthirsty - Any Attack dice of 6 counts as two hits (not not defence or shooting).
Special Rules:-
Bloodthirsty - Any Attack dice of 6 counts as two hits (not not defence or shooting).
Special Rules:-
First Salvo - First time in game get +1 to dice for for, defence or shoot.
Damp Powder - Throw double 1 to activate to shoot. All shooting afterwards need 6 to hit.
Fearsome - If inflected casualty from shooting, target applies extra -1 to courage test.
Fearsome - If inflected casualty from shooting, target applies extra -1 to courage test.
Damp Powder - Throw double 1 to activate to shoot. All shooting afterwards need 6 to hit.
Slow Loading - After shoot must use up Shoot order to re-load.
First Salvo - First time in game get +1 to dice for for, defence or shoot.
Great looking game, very colourful